The Department of Periodontology, KCDS in association with Microlabs Academy organized a CDE program ‘A quest to iDENTify the Master in Dentistry’ an E Poster Competition for all the postgraduate students of KCDS. The topic was ‘Current trends in LASER assisted Dentistry’. The competition saw 60 postgraduates across all departments participating with some innovative concepts in laser assisted dentistry being presented.
The judges of the competition, Dr. Jayalakshmi, Dr. Umashankar and Dr. Karthikeyan had a challenging task deciding the winners.
Appreciation goes to all the participants who made this competition a resounding success and a big round of applause and congratulations to all the well deserved winners. We thank Dr. Prabhuji Professor & Head, Department of Periodontology and his team for initiating this informative CDE program.