The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital commemorated the Cons-Endo day by organizing a week long extravaganza comprising a plethora of events.
“CONSERVE TILL THE LAST RESERVE “ was the motto emphasizing the specialty’s belief in conservation of tooth structure and carrying out minimally invasive procedures,
“As the greatest gift we can give anyone is the gift of preservation”.
The events started off on the 7th of March, with patient awareness programmes where patients were educated on various aspects of dental caries and the harmful consequences that it can cause to the human dentition.
Patients were also educated on the various oral hygiene measures that need to be practised to maintain strong, healthy and caries free teeth.
3 different role plays were exhibited on tooth avulsion and its management, root canal treatment and vital tooth bleaching, to educate the general public in an interactive manner, making them aware of the various treatment methodologies offered by our department.
Free oral hygiene sample kits were distributed to the patients.
On the 8th of march, a short video on “A Day in our Life as Endodontists” demonstrated our daily routine life in the department.
Events included a reels contest with the theme “show off your talent”, logo designing,paper dressing and essay competitions. This was followed by Quiz and Debate.
The topic of debate for undergraduates was Amalgam vs Composites And for Post graduates the topic was Implant vs Rct.
The week long event concluded with the valedictory program and prize distribution ceremony appreciating all the enthusiasm and hard work displayed by all the students and faculty.
Saving the best for the last, a surprise flash mob by our talented postgraduates, ended the event on a high note.